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Tis' the Season

While the temperature may be dropping it is still a great time to enjoy life in Cedar County. Each of our communities makes the effort to kick off the holidays in a special way. Like this weekend event of Christmas Past in West Branch (Link), Christmas in Clarence and Lowden's Annual Christmas Kickoff. Get in the Christmas spirit by having a hometown breakfast, do a bit of craft sale shopping, hit a community merchant, have good hot soup dinner and then visit old Saint Nick himself. So bundle up and get out there, we have a weekend of holiday fun waiting for us.

And next week the winter celebration continues in Stanwood on Sunday, December 13th. The Lion’s Club Soup Supper will be held at the Stanwood Union Church from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Santa will make his appearance and there will be live Christmas music by various members of the community in the church sanctuary. Hop on one of the hayrack rides and enjoy a tour of the town to see all of the great Christmas lights. The hayracks will stop by City Hall for riders view the Live Nativity and reading of the Christmas Story. You can then listen to some Carolers singing at the City Christmas tree and enjoy some hot cocoa at the Fire Station. Join in the fun and enter the lighting contest! Judges will select a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. The Griswold Award will be given to the contestant who has the most lights on display. Stop by City Hall to be entered into the contest. Judging will be done the night of December 12th and winners will be notified the afternoon of December 13th.

And remember, if your community has an event coming up let us know so we can get the word out.

Firestation Bennett
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